Controlling eczema with popular medications and treatments
Controlling eczema with home cures and medication Eczema is a condition where patches of skin become inflamed, itchy, cracked, rough, and red. For some people, blisters may occur too. While some people are cured of this condition, some continue to have it throughout their adulthood. It is important to recognize the symptoms and seek immediate professional help to make treatment more efficient.
5 things you must know about In Vitro Fertilization
In vitro fertilization (IVF), known to most of us as the ‘test tube baby,’ is a process where an egg is combined with the sperm externally. The process involves the extraction of an egg from the ovaries of a woman and is then fertilized with an external sperm in a laboratory.
If you are a pregnant woman, then you already know that you must take care of your health for you and your baby. You already know the regular ‘don’t smoke and don’t drink’ tips, but in this article, you will know some other useful tips that will help you have a healthy pregnancy.
The medical provider will use the tumors grade and stage to determine which treatment options will be most beneficial and effective. Active surveillance: Since prostate cancer grows slowly, doctors may choose to delay treatment in men with other serious health issues and instead actively monitor its growth. If chosen, this approach would involve close monitoring of tumor growth with regular testing to ensure that the tumor remains relatively small, is not invading other tissues, and is not causing other health issues.
Facing joint pain and arthritis recurrently? Tired of taking analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs? Most people do not know that the solution that they are seeking is right within their reach. So, here are some dietary tips to combat arthritis at the comfort of your home: Ginger A natural anti-inflammatory found commonly in everyone’s kitchen, ginger is very effective against arthritis.
Dyskinesia is defined as an abnormal or involuntary movement. However, dyskinesia characterizes the mild to severe symptoms that cause uncontrolled muscle contractions and twitching movements. The level of dyskinesia commonly differs between patients. For example, some Parkinson’s patients will experience only mild motor complications that target isolated muscles—while others suffer severe twitching that causes the entire body to writhe and twitch.
Immunotherapy, or biologic therapy, utilizes substances, either made in a lab or naturally made by the body, to boost the body’s natural defences and fight cancer. Immunotherapy is meant to optimize immune system function so that the body is strong enough to do the following: Strengthen the immune system enough to eradicate existing cancer cells.
What is Psoriasis? Psoriasis is a common chronic skin condition that is manifested by red, brittle patches of the skin covered with silvery scales. This condition usually attacks the scalp, knees, and elbows, but can also affect the nails, trunk, and legs. Although rarely, it can also be found in other parts of the skin.
Many people do not experience COPD symptoms until the condition has progressed to an advanced stage. By this time, significant disruption occurs to the normal functioning of the lungs. As a result, a persistent cough starts to develop as one of the first symptoms. One might also experience shortness of breath during physical activity, such as walking up the stairs and lifting heavy objects.
Vaccination is the process of administrating the inactivated antigenic determinant. Vaccination is a preventive measure rather than a curative one. It prepares the immune cells of the body to fight against the antigen that invades and attacks the body tissues. It was first developed by Edward Jenner by inoculating the cowpox pustules in a healthy individual who did not develop smallpox.
In the present time, one of the most common disorders that a large number of people face in the country is that of Thyroid disorder. The disorders are related to the abnormalities of the Thyroid gland. This gland is present in your neck just below Adam’s apple. It surrounds the trachea which is also known as the windpipe.
Nowadays, stroke has become one of the most prominent causes of death for most citizens. It is caused when the blood faces an obstacle to flow freely through the brain. Either, it is due to the formation of clots or leakage of blood. This insufficient flow of oxygen or the flooding of the blood makes the brain cells die.
Varicose veins can be considered as one of the most common venous disorders that people suffer from across the globe. The condition arises when the valves in the veins become inefficient to pump oxygen-depleted blood from the tissues and organs back to the heart. As veins need to function against gravity, the vein valves are under tremendous pressure.
Renal cancer, commonly referred to as kidney cancer, can be caused by several factors. It mainly impacts two kidney regions: the pelvis and the renal tubular region. This affects the kidneys’ ability to function properly, as they are responsible for ultrafiltration of the electrolytes, minerals, and excess fluid. It’s essential to know the symptoms of kidney cancer, such as blood in the urine, fatigue, and aches in the lower back, for a better prognosis.
The prostate gland is a walnut-shaped small gland of the male reproductive system situated below the urinary bladder and in the frontal end of the rectum. The function of the prostate gland is to add its secretion in the semen for the smooth movement of the sperm. Prostate cancer is well known to spread among the men with no early signs that make it even more threatening.
Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors – Prognosis And Life Expectancy
Carcinoid neuroendocrine tumors – Prognosis and life expectancy The neuroendocrine system is a complex regulatory mechanism comprised of cells spread throughout several organ systems, including our lungs and digestive system. As they have characteristics of both nerves and endocrine cells, they are called neuroendocrine cells. The nerve cells transmit signals using electrical impulses, whereas endocrine cells make thyroid and insulin-secreting glands.
Health & Wellness
What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage
Liver damage – What are the first signs? On the right side of the abdomen, below your rib cage, is an organ called the liver. It is the size of a football and is one of the most important organs in the human body. The liver aids in the digestion of the food we eat and also helps in flushing out the toxins from our body.